Monday, October 26, 2009

About Maoists and Indian State

Two differing scenarios:

1. Pukistan sends its army to fight terrorists in its western areas of Waziristan etc. They are Pukistan citizens. They have even been bred and armed by Pukistan establishment. But they are destabilizing the state and are a threat to its integrity and existence and so its army is sent to fight to eliminate them. Pretty obvious and logical, correct!

2. India faces threats from Maoists. Which are also its citizens, Which are a threat to India's integrity and existence and are bent upon destabiliazing the country. But we debate whether the helicopters which would rescue the dead and wounded security forces personnel could retaliate if they are attacked.
Yes Chidambram is talking tough. Yes Shivraj Patil has been sent away rightly. But still there is a hesitation.

Sure there are a lot of sympathisers in the Indian establishment questioning the use of force, but so is the case in Pukistan.

Why does Pukistan more decisive in this and India is not?