Friday, November 24, 2006


So my beloved team gets a drubbing in South Africa. And there is a BIG hue and cry over it.
But wasnt it expected? I mean come on... you would crib about something which you didnt expect, and this wasnt like that. All Indian cricket fans worth their salt knew at the bottom of their hearts that SA tour would be a losing cause, given the performers of our 'STARS' and 'MODELS' this very recently.
There were so many news items showign these 'MODELS' walking the ramp, signing endorsements, shooting ads, and Dhoni was even spotted shooting a music video while a domestic season was on. Now thats their level of commitment! So what else can you expect?

Just one Yuvraj Singh's injury doesnt cause a 91 run debacle.

One moment they are playing shots and the next they are out, gone, bowled, through the gate. What was that about? Deception? By the bowlers? Or by our 'MODELS' towards us, giving us hope with their shots.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Relative Merit

Which is better? Being the best in your circle of influence, or, being the best in the world? Or do both give the same level of satisfaction?
For example, one might be the best runner in the school but may not be the best in the city. Would one still feel satisfied of at least some level of achievement? Should one?

And its not just the 'space' factor of comparison. There is a factor of time too.

Indian cricket team won the world cup in 1983. Would they have been good enough to beat the Australian team of today? If not, then does it take away from them some of their Halo? Should it take away some of their Halo?

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Contradictions in management

I have strongly come to the conclusion that a lot of managers try to avoid hard-work and use their minds (Yes, I know some people would smirk and say what took you so long. But I had my reasons).
What with things like reports, trackings, models, guidelines, frameworks etc.
If you put in a framework or methodology, ultimately you are trying to force the human mind to work in a certain narrow path, which is not something that should be encouraged. A number of articles are appearing one after another trumpeting the idea that innovation cannot be regulated. It has to be groomed but cannot be 'modelised' in any way. But some managers tend to create models which they feel is a great thing that they are doing. The model would be that the reportee would need to commit a date by which he/she would finish 'thinking' about a new idea, followed by a date by which the reportee would need to commit a date by which to finish 'thinking' about the innovation or application or mechanism to implement the new idea, followed lastly by a date by which a paper or a prototype of the idea would be ready.
Also a mechanism or a spreadsheet using the timelines to track these milestones.

Yes, I know it sounds ridiculous. It does not work and slowly the effort around this also dies down.

That takes me to another point, the fact of creating trackers for 'everything'. That again makes the managers' job easier. They just need to look at the tracker and find out where things stand. That is another matter that most of the times the trackers are made to look good so that the manager may not fire back. So managers can stay away from the ground reality and just look at the tracker and feel happy at what is being reported as the progress.

In call centers, agents are trained on using the keyboard in a fixed sequence of hand movements. The quality analysts say that they have arrived at these by going through motion studies. That I believe is the best example of the attempt by organisations and managements to mechanise the working and thinking of humans.

Another observation in this regard has been at ICICI Bank at DLF Qutub Plaza branch, which might be the case elsewhere too.

There had been 'compartments' made instead of desks. There were a total of 9 of them and each had a number hung on top of them. There was one bank employee sitting behind a desk at each compartment having a computer and a printer on their desk.
It reminded me of workstations in a call-center or even better, the counters at the railway reservation system.

One cannot just approach any 'compartment' with your query or request. I was redirected to a terminal where I had to punch in my request type and get a token with an assigned queue number. There is a terminal which displays the queue number and the 'compartment' number which keeps updating so that when your turn comes, your queue number and the 'compartment' to which it is assigned is displayed and you can move there and have your query sorted out.

It really seemed very impersonal and mechanical. Banks, as I have grown up, signify a vibrant place with a lot of mixing up of people. But this was just so individualistic. In traditional banks - read PSU ones-there would be less literate people asking others to fill in a check or requests for drafts. All the forms would be available in at least two languages. The above experience seemed to end all that.

Change from pen and paper to computers was just a change of the medium of recording. This change of medium also had the advantages of increasing efficiency of computations and faster data transfers, hence it was a welcome change. But this is a whole lot different and raises a lot of questions.

Using the terminal to get the tokens is non-trivial. To those who are not very well educated or are not technology savy it will be very tough. Does ICICI bank intend not to keep and serve those customers? Moreover, I believe that these tokens will be tracked and computed in terms of rate per transaction for 'Management' to review. It makes banking impersonal and makes working in Banks so mechanical.

What a contradiction! We are trying to make machines intelligent and humans mechanical!!

Options for Fun in Gurgaon

I found out today that there is a 4 hole golf course close to my house which is maintained by HUDA and where one does not need to be a member to go and tee. Just pay up and play. Damages for an hour's game would be around Rs. 100.

Ditto for lawn tennis.

The only thing in Gurgaon for fun used to be shopping Malls, Bowling, Go-Karting and Movies. I have discovered another goodie and am going to try to make the most of it now. Hopefully the missus would also like this news when she returns from her trip to Chennai. Yes! She is away for a week and I am almost like a bachelor these days.

Sports Week

I still hate it if I lose in Cricket!

Two matches in a day. Team batted first in both of them and put up reasonable scores both times. Both ended up being close contests which my team lost, one by 5 deliveries remaining and another by 6 deliveries (I wanted to use the phrase balls but something told me not to, wonder why). I ended up wishing that had I been more forceful and got my way in the batting order and the bowling line-up then I might have been able to make a difference.

Really, I still still hate losing in Cricket!

I won two rounds of Chess and am to play semi-final tomorrow. I lost TT singles and doubles in the first round. Won first rounds of Lawn Tennis singles to someone who supposedly had a superior game and got a walkover in doubles. Lost Carrom doubles in the first round. But none of these losses gave me as much discomfort or the wins would have given greater joy than the same result in cricket.

Damn! I STILL HATE LOSING IN CRICKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 12, 2006


I heard a joke sometime back.

God's assisstant asks God "You always say that you maintain equilibrium, but thats not true. Look at India, the country has great natural resources, abundance of mineral wealth, lots of intelligent and hard-working people. You have been unfair to the rest of the world by giving one country 'EVERYTHING'". God replies "You cant say that. Look at the neighbours I gave it".

Moot point is that there is always equilibrium in the world. If you had a pesky colleague who was making your visit to the office and the thought of seeing his/her face as a result, repulsive, and he/she leaves, then you might get another one like that. Or you might get a new boss who is arrogant. There is always something in this world which keeps us on our feet. There is always just that one thing which you hope wasn't there OR was there to make your life fully peaceful.

Waddya say world?

Came back here after a long time. I keep getting thoughts off and on which I want to put here but don't just get the time.

I am reading 'Shantaram' currently. Interesting story because I get to learn about India and its problems from an outsider's perspective.