Monday, February 12, 2007

About Master Plans

Gurgaon and Delhi Master Plans 2021 have been released. A lot of talk of improvements in the one for Gurgaon and compromises in the one for Delhi.

I wonder how is it going to affect me personally. Ideally speaking I would like to live in a city where I can walk on (on the sides) the roads without being honked or continuously staying alert so that I am not run over. I want to enjoy the sun in winters and cool evening breeze in summers. I want to walk to a restaurant near my house for dinner and return on foot in the night.
I want to have the choice of driving or cycling to work.

A lot of us in India have become so used to using vehicles because the roads are not safe for walking or cycling. Either there is no pavement, or if there is then it has been encroached by vendors. Little things that can make a lot of difference in the quality of life.

Another recent development was a ruling by the honourable Supreme Court ruling that in Delhi, 'No food can be cooked on roadside. All the hawkers selling eatables need to cook it at home and pack them and then only will they be able to sell these.' I find this absurd. What about the chat and kulche chole on the sidewalks? What about the momos and kathi rolls? Moreover the logic of hygiene doesnt stand here. On the street I can see how hygienic or not a place is and based on that make my decision whether to eat or not but if the food is packed then for a road-side vendor, I dont know the condition of his kitchen at home so what or who do I trust before eating? I will not have this choice.

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