From SC - "Even God cannot save this country"
Saw this on Rediff today. Well now the SC has thrown up its arms in disgust when we all are aware that in fact it is the Indian judicial system which makes ordinary citizens want to take the easy way out of breaking the law or ignoring lawlessness and moving on with their lives.
The Nikita Mehta case has again proved this well known fact. A couple, who have approached the Courts for permission to abort their child due to doubts about the child being able to lead a normal healthy life have been sent back by the courts saying that the law does not permit it as it would amount to mercy killing. I wonder if the judges just want to go by the book then why not replace the whole lot of them with computers. The reason I say this is because in pronouncing judgments such as the one cited above, no human intervention and intelligence is shown, hence this job can be very effectively, and possibly even more efficiently be done by a computing machine.
लकीर के फकीर बनके बैठने का क्या फायदा। इससे अच्छा काम तो कंप्यूटर ज़रूर कर लेंगे.
So net net ... the SC is exasperated today ... what about the whole country being exasperated by the whole judicial system for so long?
Came back to it within 30 minutes to edit is as just right now on TV flashed a news that the ban on SIMI has been revoked by the court. How many such instances of mindless verdicts which will hurt the country are going to happen in my lifetime?
The Mehta case is not as cut and dried. Apparently the doctor report that the court asked for had a typo and it said there is not significant danger to the child. So the court dismissed the case.
Even otherwise, unless its a case of certain death immediately after birth, a 26 week fœtus is a viable fœtus and this was in 25th week. So can u kill it just because of a 'possibility' of serious health issues in future?
Besides courts should ideally only decide on interpretation of the law and not create it. And law does not allow late abortion. Its a case for the parliament and not the court IMHO
My point is just that someone applied to the court instead of becoming one among millions of illegal abortions across the country and what did they get?
If the law has to be strictly followed in letter, then there is really no need for a human to occupy the judge's chair in our courts. A computer would do the same job and of course a lot quicker.
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